Hello, I’m Johnrille

I’m a writer based in the Philippines. But I’m also in the constant process of cutting the bullshits in my everyday life, which means I’m serious about getting rid of material and immaterial stuff that can’t give me any meaningful returns.

I’ve written a few blogs about it but I wanted it to have a little more personal touch.

Enter this newsletter.

Minus the bullshit

In a nutshell, this newsletter is to let out my silly, heartfelt, and mostly unfiltered thoughts on living in a crappy, complex world.

I was always overwhelmed with items, ideas, and emotions. And they’re taking too much of my time and energy.

And what do I do about it? I write.

That’s why if you get me, think of this newsletter as a remedy for your everyday chaos.

Let me send you usable insights, stories, and strategies that help me eliminate bullshit in my dear life.

Hopefully, you can grab a lesson or two—anything to help you ease down (not escape) the crap from your home, social media, and head.

And yes, it’s free. Hit up the subscribe button now and let’s get it on!


Johnrille “the bullshit-buster” Manalo

P.S. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and Facebook and feel free to email me anytime at johnrillem@gmail.com.

Subscribe to Johnrille's Minus the Bullshit Newsletter

A newsletter to let out my silly, heartfelt, and mostly unfiltered thoughts on living in a crappy, complex world.


I explore the fantastic perks of online writing— with minimalism and human potential as my foundation.